Why I Invest In Microsoft?

 Disclaimer: I am sharing my own views in this post. The information in this post is for information only. The information and publications are not intended to be and do not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by me. The information and opinions contained in this post has been obtained from sources that I believed to be reliable, but I make no representation or warranty as to its adequacy, completeness, accuracy or timeliness for any particular purpose. Opinions and estimates are subject to change without notice. All investments involve a risk. Please seek the advice of an appropriate certified and qualified professional and do your due diligence before making any investment decision.

Personally I do have a very small position of Microsoft (MSFT) in my portfolio as so far till I have conviction in Microsoft’s growth in long term and the stock price is within my initial investment amount to invest.

What Microsoft Offers (Source: Microsoft)

“Founded in 1975, we develop and support software, services, devices, and solutions that deliver new value for customers and help people and businesses realize their full potential.

We offer an array of services, including cloud-based solutions that provide customers with software, services, platforms, and content, and we provide solution support and consulting services. We also deliver relevant online advertising to a global audience.

Our products include operating systems, cross-device productivity applications, server applications, business solution applications, desktop and server management tools, software development tools, and video games. We also design and sell devices, including PCs, tablets, gaming and entertainment consoles, other intelligent devices, and related accessories.”

Microsoft has growth consistently due to its widely products & services to consumers (like you and I) and to businesses.

Microsoft Q4 Financial Summary
Source: Microsoft Earnings Call Slides
Microsoft Revenue Segments (Till 2021 Q1)
Source: HyperCharts
Microsoft Revenue & Operating Income (Till 2021 Q1)
Source: HyperCharts
Microsoft Net Income (Till 2021 Q1)
Source: HyperCharts

Personally I’m very bullish in the Cloud Services which provide easy, affordable access and storage of applications, data and resources for consumer & businesses.

Cloud infrastructure services continued to be in high demand in Q3 2021. Worldwide spending increased 35% to US$49.4 billion, driven by a range of factors, including on-going remote working and learning, and the growing use of industry-specific cloud applications.” – Source: Canalys

Worldwide Cloud Infrastructure (Q1 2018 to Q3 2021)
Source: Canalys
Worldwide Cloud Infrastructure Services Spend (Q3 2021)
Source: Canalys

Microsoft (MSFT) Stock vs S&P 500 Index (SPX)

Source: TradingView Chart

I would like to shout out to Victor from The Intelligent Investor (YouTube Channel) on the MICROSOFT STOCK ANALYSIS. (Disclaimer: I’m monetarized in anyway for referring his channel)

Please do your own diligent study and research in all investments.

Let’s work towards in building our wealth.